4 Steps to Build a Solid Improvement Plan for Your Water Network

Aug 8, 2023



4 Steps to Build a Solid Improvement Plan for Your Water Network

Finally, the cool weather is back again!

Last week's heat wave likely took a toll on you, just like it did on many others. During such challenging conditions, the demand for water skyrockets, putting immense pressure on water utilities. It's a headache for network operators who work tirelessly to ensure equitable water supply.

They waste lots of time doing manual operations, only to find out that their effort is not enough as water losses counter their efforts & compromise efficient distribution.

However, there's a beacon of hope on the horizon: TECHNOLOGY!

Yet, the journey towards unlocking technology's potential isn't always smooth sailing. Sometimes the process might seem complex, and the tech solutions don't perfectly align with utilities’ specific requirements.

But if we manage to overcome these issues, can you imagine the possibilities that lie ahead? Significant reductions in water losses, real-time alerts for potential issues, and the conservation of precious energy and water resources.

Now, the question is: how to overcome challenges related to technology adoption?

Scroll down and let's embark on this journey together!

We’ve Got You Covered

What if I told you that you can double your efficiency and improve feasibility through simple interventions in your water supply system? Would this be worthwhile to you? If the answer is “yes” then let me tell you how.

We’ve been working with utilities in the most water-stressed region in the world: MENA region! Throughout our work, we supported utilities to improve their productivity, reduce costs, and maximize returns. We help utilities solve their biggest challenges through curated improvement plans & smooth tech adoption.

All you need is to set clear targets, develop a solid plan, and identify practical implementation approach. Let’s break it down into simple steps:

Step #1: Define Your Targets

The first thing you need to do to ensure getting tangible outcomes is to define your targets & set priorities. The goal is not to deploy tech in your water system. Tech is meant to an end. It’s important to set your priorities to plan your budget accordingly, but we’ll come to that later. Now you only need to define your priorities. Pick one or two targets by ticking the boxes

I want to:

✅ Improve my water network’s efficiency and increase feasibility

✅ Reduce the workload and optimize human resources utilization

✅ Showcase my utility as the sustainable, reliable water supplier

Great! Now you have defined your priorities and set your goals let’s see how we can achieve these targets

Step #2: Revisit Your Network & Facilities

Yes, you read that correctly. You need to visit your water network once again. But this time it would be different…

In this visit, we need you to evaluate your daily work in the field:

  • What operations you do on a daily basis?

  • How much time do you spend on these operations?

  • Who’s responsible for these operations?

You’re the expert in your own water system. After you answer these questions, think on what’s the one task that takes most of your time & effort in the network? What’s the most costly activity in your facilities?

Now tick the right boxes

❌ My energy bills are crazy!

❌ Cost of producing & treating water is going through the roof

❌ Labor! Every task takes lots of time and its costs a lot.

We’re done with the hardest part, and we’re almost there! Stay with me. Let’s move on.

Step #3: Look for Ways to Improve

The good news is there are a million ways to improve your water system and tackle the challenges. Now you’ve set your priorities and identified pain points, let’s see how you can tackle each of these pain points

Pain Point 1:

❌ My energy bills are crazy!

#1 Priority:

✅ I need to reduce bills to enhance feasibility

↳ The solution lies in process optimization: Based on field measurements of flow, pressure, and other parameters, smart tech solutions would help you optimize operations like water pumping and adjust pumps’ capacity as needed. This means you would be saving energy and increasing the lifetime of you pumps.

Pain point 2: ❌ Labor! Every task takes lots of time and its costs a lot.

#2 Priority: ✅ Reduce the workload and optimize human resources utilization

↳ for this you would need to automate part of your operations so that you’re able to remotely monitor your tanks and pumping stations and automate their operations to minimize human intervention.

Step #4: Implement!

Now after you have set your targets, defined priorities, and identified the needed intervention, it's time for the easy part: implementation!

But what if you’re not sure where to start or how to deploy the technology? No problem! We’ve got you covered.

What you really need is: • a simple, yet powerful, solution • adaptable to your emerging needs • practical, providing actionable insights & tangible outcomes

Flowless is here to help. We're here to support you in identifying your needs and making a rational decision to adopt a vetted technology when you are ready. Now the question is: are you ready to take your water networks operations to the next level?

Let's dispel any confusion surrounding technology. Admittedly, not all tech solutions are effortless, but with the right knowledge and approach, we can utilize technology to make a transformative impact.

So, let's join forces and explore how we can help you improve your water network efficiency!

Manage your daily operations seamlessly and effortlessly

Explore the change with Flowless Platform. Make water system management easy, save time, and work better!