Reducing Water Losses to Ensure Sustainable Water Future for The MENA Region

Jun 16, 2022



Reducing Water Losses to Ensure Sustainable Water Future for The MENA Region

The numbers are quite concerning, especially when we consider that several communities in the MENA region do not have access to basic water needs.

If you are a water utility and are experiencing a non-revenue water challenge, then the first step is to investigate the causes. Take the case of Tubas water utility as an example. Tubas is a Palestinian city to the northeast of the West Bank. It is responsible for managing the municipal water supply of fresh water for 7 localities, mostly rural localities. The rural setting adds more complications and pressure to water supply management, which adds to the natural challenges of water scarcity in the region. The demand is continuously growing, and the available resources are finite.

Let us cover the key highlights of the NRW reduction approach used in the Tubas project:

  • Real-time data collection is essential for NRW management and leak detection.

  • Automation in data analysis and reporting facilitates effective water network management.

  • Utilizing emerging technologies enhances operations and facilitates efficient loss reduction.

We conduct an in-depth analysis of Tubas water network operation process to help them make the decision. Our comprehensive system helped in achieving feasibility and large water savings in Ras Al-Fara’a, one of the small localities managed by the Utility. The water supply volumes were reduced by up to 50% when compared to the previous supply. Ras Al-Fara’a is a relatively small neighborhood, with a total of 30 houses. Reducing water losses can partially solve water stress. The solutions start with detecting the leaks, repairing the faults, and controlling water flow.

We deployed the real-time data collection system in Tubas 1.5 years ago. The process began with network assessment, then moved to data transmitter installation, and ended with providing a smart web platform to monitor water flow and pressure in real-time. We supported the utility with a continuous follow-up, providing the needed support to maintain the system and materialize the impact.

All of these planned and structured steps are designed to:

  • Monitor the water supply for active leak detection.

  • Improve water supply efficiency and operational feasibility.

The monitoring and control process runs precisely and effectively thanks to the unique components of Flowless system:

  1. Flowless Smart Units: which are data transmitters connected to meters and sensors to collect real-time data and transfer it to the cloud-based database.

  2. Flowless Web App: a software dedicated to water networks management through real-time tracking and reporting.

This means you could easily control your network, detect faults, and start working on suitable interventions to overcome the challenges.

Flowless approach provides guidelines for effective water management. It mainly supports water utilities in enhancing water efficiency. You can apply it as it contributes to cutting water losses, improves water supply, and provides robust tools for automated leak detection, process optimization, and consumption tracking. This is performed by utilizing IoT & AI technologies to optimize operations and automate processes in water networks.

The features mentioned above assist you in improving water efficiency. Request a demo today to see how Flowless system can monitor, control, and improve your network!

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