Flexible & adaptable solutions, specially customized to fit your needs

Flexible & adaptable solutions, specially customized to fit your needs

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Flowless tech integration process seamlessly blends with other tech through compatibility checks, agile execution, and user-centric focus, ensuring optimal functionality with minimal disruption.

Flowless tech integration process seamlessly blends with other tech through compatibility checks, agile execution, and user-centric focus, ensuring optimal functionality with minimal disruption.

Flowless tech integration process seamlessly blends with other tech through compatibility checks, agile execution, and user-centric focus, ensuring optimal functionality with minimal disruption.

Holistic Management

Holistic Management

Holistic Management

It's a comprehensive solution that enables water management to progress toward greater efficiency, high feasibility, and ongoing sustainability.

It's a comprehensive solution that enables water management to progress toward greater efficiency, high feasibility, and ongoing sustainability.

It's a comprehensive solution that enables water management to progress toward greater efficiency, high feasibility, and ongoing sustainability.

Utility companies struggle to increase water supply efficiency

Utility companies struggle to increase water supply efficiency

Challenged by high water stress, under-developed infrastructure, inefficient management.

Challenged by high water stress, under-developed infrastructure, inefficient management.

Flowless technologies has a lot to offer to help utilities automate operations and optimize processes.

Flowless technologies has a lot to offer to help utilities automate operations and optimize processes.

2.2 Billion

People lack access to safely managed water

14 $ Billion

Global annual water loss

Is water distribution management a losing business?

Is water distribution management a losing business?

Before we answer this question, let’s look at the day-to-day life of water networks operators.

Let’s get it straight: Managing water infrastructure is not easy. Water utilities worldwide strive to enhance efficiency and improve their feasibility through various approaches.

Being under continuous stress of the growing demand and operations inefficiency, they have to choose one of three options:

Before we answer this question, let’s look at the day-to-day life of water networks operators.

Let’s get it straight: Managing water infrastructure is not easy. Water utilities worldwide strive to enhance efficiency and improve their feasibility through various approaches.

Being under continuous stress of the growing demand and operations inefficiency, they have to choose one of three options:



Option 1: Do nothing

Option 1: Do nothing

Overwhelmed by the challenging context and barriers to improvement, some utilities decide to give up and live with their problems. The result is ongoing water losses and continuous sinking towards the bottom.

Overwhelmed by the challenging context and barriers to improvement, some utilities decide to give up and live with their problems. The result is ongoing water losses and continuous sinking towards the bottom.



Option 2: Conventional approaches

Option 2: Conventional approaches

Most utilities decide to take action, then they do it using the same old way: manual operations, visual leak inspection, and loads of human intervention. While this could be a good sign of their intention to solve the problem, it’s still extremely time- & effort-consuming.

Most utilities decide to take action, then they do it using the same old way: manual operations, visual leak inspection, and loads of human intervention. While this could be a good sign of their intention to solve the problem, it’s still extremely time- & effort-consuming.



Option 3: Tech solutions

Option 3: Tech solutions

With the rise of “smart tech” solutions, many utilities turn to water monitoring and control solutions to solve their problems. They put huge investments in those tech solutions, but they often forget that technology is not a magical wand that will fix all their problems.

With the rise of “smart tech” solutions, many utilities turn to water monitoring and control solutions to solve their problems. They put huge investments in those tech solutions, but they often forget that technology is not a magical wand that will fix all their problems.

But if water technology is not the magical solution, then how it could be of help for water utilities?

But if water technology is not the magical solution, then how it could be of help for water utilities?

Technology promises great potential, but traditional tech solutions often fall short of achieving the desired outcomes. We call this “Legacy water tech”.

Technology promises great potential, but traditional tech solutions often fall short of achieving the desired outcomes. We call this “Legacy water tech”.

So, what’s wrong with Legacy Water Tech Solutions?

So, what’s wrong with Legacy Water Tech Solutions?

So, what’s wrong with Legacy Water Tech Solutions?

They are Too complicated

They are Too complicated

They are Too complicated

While some utilities staff manage to use those technologies, others across the organization struggle to make use of the piles of data and basic visualizations

While some utilities staff manage to use those technologies, others across the organization struggle to make use of the piles of data and basic visualizations

While some utilities staff manage to use those technologies, others across the organization struggle to make use of the piles of data and basic visualizations

Hard tech adoption

Hard tech adoption

Hard tech adoption

Hard to introduce to many water systems, especially in challenging contexts

Hard to introduce to many water systems, especially in challenging contexts

Hard to introduce to many water systems, especially in challenging contexts

Rigid and hard to adapt

Rigid and hard to adapt

Rigid and hard to adapt

Rigid, hard to adapt to unique needs of each utility or farmer

Rigid, hard to adapt to unique needs of each utility or farmer

Rigid, hard to adapt to unique needs of each utility or farmer

What water utilities REALLY need is not fancy tech solutions.

What water utilities REALLY need is not fancy tech solutions.

They need a solution that’s:

• Intuitive, but powerful

• Adaptable to their emerging needs

• Providing hands-on, tangible results FAST!

They need a solution that’s:

• Intuitive, but powerful

• Adaptable to their emerging needs

• Providing hands-on, tangible results FAST!

Explore the “PERFECT” water management solution

Explore the “PERFECT” water management solution

Does the perfect water tech solution exist? Maybe, but what we know for sure is that we can always make water networks operations more “manageable”.

Does the perfect water tech solution exist? Maybe, but what we know for sure is that we can always make water networks operations more “manageable”.

Here is how we at Flowless provide a solution that ticks all the boxes and delivers tangible outcomes to support water utilities in improving their daily operations & maximizing efficiency.

Here is how we at Flowless provide a solution that ticks all the boxes and delivers tangible outcomes to support water utilities in improving their daily operations & maximizing efficiency.

User experience is everything

User experience is everything

Key personnel at the utility should be able to use the tech solution and customize it to fit their needs.

Key personnel at the utility should be able to use the tech solution and customize it to fit their needs.

User-centric experience

User-centric experience

So that executives, operators, & technicians are able to utilize the solution in their day-to-day work & make data-driven decisions.

So that executives, operators, & technicians are able to utilize the solution in their day-to-day work & make data-driven decisions.

These decisions are built on >>

These decisions are built on >>

Progressive analytics & evolving interpretations, & powerful data visualizations to empower operations managers with actionable insights.

Progressive analytics & evolving interpretations, & powerful data visualizations to empower operations managers with actionable insights.

Progressive analytics & evolving interpretations, & powerful data visualizations to empower operations managers with actionable insights.

Introduced through performance-driven dashboards, customizable to fit the needs of each user with zero-code configurations to set the user environment and add the most relevant charts, maps, and smart visualization tools.

Introduced through performance-driven dashboards, customizable to fit the needs of each user with zero-code configurations to set the user environment and add the most relevant charts, maps, and smart visualization tools.

Does Flowless technology fit for your needs?

Does Flowless technology fit for your needs?

Here Flowless WaterCloud steps in as your personal assistant

Here Flowless WaterCloud steps in as your personal assistant

Flowless WaterCloud steps in as your personal assistant, helping utilities efficiently manage water distribution, detect leaks before they emerge, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

This could be through various use cases as summarized below:

Flowless WaterCloud steps in as your personal assistant, helping utilities efficiently manage water distribution, detect leaks before they emerge, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

This could be through various use cases as summarized below:

Flowless WaterCloud steps in as your personal assistant, helping utilities efficiently manage water distribution, detect leaks before they emerge, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

This could be through various use cases as summarized below:

Bulk water supply monitoring

Bulk water supply monitoring

For large-diameter pipelines monitoring, burst detection, and operations optimization.

For large-diameter pipelines monitoring, burst detection, and operations optimization.

Distribution networks monitoring & NRW management

Distribution networks monitoring & NRW management

Supporting utilities and network operators in monitoring their distribution operations, detecting leaks, and reducing water losses and operational costs.

Supporting utilities and network operators in monitoring their distribution operations, detecting leaks, and reducing water losses and operational costs.

Water facilities management

Water facilities management

Providing digital twins and powerful automation to optimize processes, monitor energy consumption, and automated control systems.

Providing digital twins and powerful automation to optimize processes, monitor energy consumption, and automated control systems.

Want to learn more details on the features provided under each use case?

Want to learn more details on the features provided under each use case?